Creativity & Innovation
Creativty, collabortiaon and communication
This workshop is designed to provide you with tools and resources to unlock the creative potential of your team.
During this hands-on creative workshop your team members will participate in a variety of self-reflective, problem solving and team communication activities designed to explore imagination, brainstorming, collaborative creation and concept/product development.
Through concepts of experiential learning, this workshop highlights and combines visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles, which encourages agile thinkers, integrating right-brain; imagination, artistry and intuition, with left; logic, analysis, and planning.
This workshop will get your team comfortable with generating, analyzing and evaluating creative and innovative ideas.
Outcomes & Impact
Utilize techniques to generate creative ideas and develop innovative solutions
Strengthen communication skills and team dynamics
Increase psychological safety among team members
Strengthen relationships and Improve work environment