About 15 years ago I spent five summers working at Camp Tamakwa in beautiful Algonquin Provincial Park.

Time flies.

From a 20+ year career working with kids in camping & outdoor education... to owning and operating corporate team building and training business...Both careers - Creating Connections and Community.

I am truly grateful that love what I get to do!

Today I had a little reminder of my camp roots.

Overjoyed to be prepping a team building event on Toronto, in the 'Algonquin Room' at the Fairmont Royal York. Looking forward to an amazing workshop with Assembly of First Nations tomorrow!

The Power of Team Building in Toronto & Why It Matters

Toronto (the “New York of the North) is a vibrant, diverse, and rapidly growing. As Canada’s largest city, it’s a hub for innovation, culture, and commerce. For businesses operating in such a dynamic environment, team building isn't just a nice-to-have; it's essential.

Here’s why team building is particularly important in Toronto, Ontario;

1. Fostering Diversity and Inclusion

Toronto is one of the most multicultural cities in the world! This rich diversity is a tremendous asset for businesses, bringing a variety of perspectives and ideas. However, it also means that fostering a sense of inclusion and cohesion within teams is crucial. Team building activities help bridge cultural gaps, allowing team members to better understand and appreciate each other, ultimately fostering a more inclusive workplace.

2. Boosting Employee Engagement and Morale

The competitive job market in Toronto means that attracting and retaining top talent is a constant challenge. Engaged employees are not only more productive but also more likely to stay with the company. Team building activities, whether they involve problem-solving challenges, creative endeavours, or just fun and memorable events, can significantly boost morale and create a sense of belonging.

3. Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful team. In a city like Toronto, where businesses often operate at a fast pace, clear and efficient communication is vital. Team building exercises encourage open communication and collaboration, helping team members to break down silos and work together more effectively. These activities provide a relaxed environment where employees can practice and refine their communication skills, which translates into better teamwork in the office.

4. Encouraging Creativity and Innovation

Toronto is a hotspot for innovation, with a thriving tech scene and numerous startups. For businesses to stay competitive, fostering creativity and innovation is key. Team building activities can stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving skills by taking employees out of their usual routines and encouraging them to think differently. This can lead to fresh ideas and innovative solutions that benefit the company as a whole.

5. Building Trust and Strengthening Relationships

Trust is the foundation of any strong team. In a diverse and fast-paced city like Toronto, building trust can sometimes be challenging. Team building activities create opportunities for employees to get to know each other on a personal level, build rapport, and develop trust.

6. Adapting to Change

Toronto’s business landscape is constantly evolving, with new opportunities and challenges emerging regularly. Teams that can adapt to change are more likely to thrive. Team building activities often involve adapting to new situations and thinking on one’s feet, skills that are directly transferable to the workplace.

7. Showcasing Company Culture

In a city with so many employment options, showcasing a strong, positive company culture is crucial for attracting talent. Team building activities are a tangible demonstration of a company’s commitment to its employees' well-being and development.

Cut-Throat Company Culture

A thriving company corporate world doesn't require a cut-throat culture.

Research shows that a positive workplace not only benefits employees but significantly impacts the bottom line. High-pressure environments lead to hidden costs such as increased healthcare expenses and disengagement.

“Disengaged workers had 37% higher absenteeism, 49% more accidents, and 60% more errors and defects.”

#teambuilding companyculture #teamdevelopment


The 'World's Best Boss'

Three Lessons on Team Building from the 'Worlds Best Boss', Michael Scott

1. Know Your Team
Lesson: Michael's often misguided attempts at team-building highlight the importance of truly knowing your team members. Understand their strengths, weaknesses, and individual personalities to create moment and activities that resonate with everyone.

2. Balance Fun and Productivity
Lesson: Michael's approach often emphasizes fun and camaraderie, but it's essential to strike a balance between enjoyment and productivity. Effective team building should contribute to team goals and collaboration while fostering a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.

3. Lead by Example
Lesson: Michael's willingness to participate in team building activities, even if they seem unconventional or uncomfortable, underscores the importance of leadership by example. When leaders actively engage in team building efforts, it sets a positive tone for the entire team.


Community and success in the workplace is not just about diverse skill sets; it's about the richness of perspectives that each team member brings to the table.

Every viewpoint is a valuable piece of the entire puzzle.

Embracing diverse perspectives fosters creativity, innovation, and a more inclusive work environment.

Ogemawahj Tribal Council was deeply engaged with the Blocked Perspective team building challenge recently at Blue Mountain Resort

hashtag#Teambuilding hashtag#Perspective hashtag#collaboration

A positive company culture should be a priority!

1. Communicate: Make sure every employee is in the loop when it comes to important decisions and changes in the company. This allows for greater collaboration and understanding between everyone.

 2. Encourage collaboration: Work together as a team and foster an environment where everyone can come together to share their ideas.

 3. Encourage feedback: Encourage employees to speak their mind and give feedback. This creates a culture of trust and transparency.

4. Celebrate success: Celebrate milestones and successes together to show appreciation for all the hard work.
5. Run at least one annual team building experience with Two Roads Team Building!

Community NEEDS Communication!

Empathetic communication is an essential part of any corporate environment.

It allows employees to better understand each other, build trust, and create a positive work atmosphere.

When employees understand the feelings and needs of their coworkers, it helps them to collaborate more effectively, promote positive relationships, and foster a culture of mutual respect.